“Does it for ‘em!”

-Eric Vieth

Bidding Convention

1. To speed up play, we don't play 1 level contracts UNLESS they are doubled or make a difference to the score (that is, if successful play with points on allows team to get a game)

2. We play with a one club opener convention that is sort-of unique to Christie (started in Electrohome days)

3. Dummy deals the next hand (1000 point penalty if you forget! - we'll probably make this only 500 points at the tourney)

C, D, H, S, NT = clubs, diamonds, hearts, spades, no trump

X= double any suit or NT bid


Opening Bid Requires Response Indicates
1C 13-16 points (STD OPENING) Requires a response from your partner 1D 6 or less points (a BUST) OR 7-12 points and at least 5D in hand (LEGITIMATE D RESPONSE)-(if a bust, then must pass next time unless in convention)(if not a bust, then can bid 2nd best suit next time but must be min 4 solid cards)
1H, 1S 7-12 points and at least 5H or 5S in hand (LEGITIMATE H or S RESPONSE)
1NT 7-12 points and no 5 card suit (FLAT HAND)-doesn't mean all suits are stopped
Pass Can only pass if opposition has just doubled in which case passing is a BUST
2C 7-12 points and at least 5C in hand (LEGITIMATE C RESPONSE)
2D, 2H, 2S 16-18 points and at least 5D, 5H or 5S in hand (JUMP SHIFT)-opener shouldn't stop shy of game
2NT 13-15 points (ALSO OPENING POINTS)-flat, but doesn't mean all suits are stopped-opener shouldn't stop shy of game (often 3NT) unless bad fit
3C, 3D, 3H, 3S 7-12 points and at least seven of suit bid (7 CARD SUIT)-assumes opposition passed or doubled only
Double 13-16 points (STD OPENING)-requires a response from your partner opposition has just bid 1C (TAKE OUT DOUBLE) See above Same as 8 possible responses above
1D, 1H, 1S >10-12 points (WEAK OPENING)at least 5-6 of suit bid in hand 1 NT Not a bust, flat and no support, but desire to keep going
2C >10-12 points and clubs (should have min 5 of them)
2D, 2H, 2S 8-12 points (CUT-OFF)-should make 2 level contract in this suit but no more likely so don't go higher
2NT Just shy of opening points and all suits stopped except the openers suit
3D, 3H, 3S 8-15 points and a good fit likely (ENCOURAGEMENT TO GAME BID)
3NT GAME BID-at minimum opening points and all suits stopped except the openers suit
4C Convention by definition
4D Avoid-bid 3D instead
4H, 4S GAME BID-at min opening points and three of the openers suit
4NT Convention by definition
5D GAME BID-at min opening points and three of the openers suit
1NT 17-19 points and a flat hand (STRONG BUT FLAT)-doesn't require a response from your partner-avoid this bid and bid 1C instead to get a response Tricky, bid back your 5 card suit if you have one and you're not bust but less then open can also respond with 2NT 3NTor go to convention if responder has every suit stopped but should be on the high side of points.
2X >20 points (REALLY STRONG)-doesn't require a response from your partner-avoid this bid and bid 1C instead to get a response-be prepared to have to play this with no partner support Tricky, bid back your 5 card suit if you have one and you're not bust can bid back 2NT if you have 3-4 points and and are flatcan bid back 3NT if you have 5-6 points and and are flat
3C,D,H, S Seven of a suit and 8-12 points (PRE-EMPT by definition)-must have an outside ace-opposition has not yet had chance to respond-be prepared to have to play this with no partner support Tricky, response should be based on your points and distribution