“Get Banman!”
Game Play Rules
Game Time
Each match runs for a total of 60 minutes max where the final active hand will be played out once the 60 minute mark is reached. If an adjustment to 50 minutes is needed for scheduling, all players scheduled to play that game must agree on the time start and finish before bidding starts.
Play Time
Players have two minutes to play their first card and one minute thereafter. If the opponent raises a time concern, the player is given a timed one minute to complete their play. Gentlemen rules apply and any intentional delays in bidding, or delays in playing to run out the clock, will be considered a serious violation and could result in the forfeiture of the game; multiple violations may result in the removal from the tournament.
Points and Scoring
The team that wins the match after 60 minutes (maximum), will receive two points. A tie after 60 minutes will earn both teams one point. These point totals will define the quarter final play order.
Bridge is played in rubbers. A rubber is completed – and the rubber bonus score is added -- when one side scores two games.
A game is a trick score of 100 points. There are two ways to score a game:
1) On one deal, by bidding and making a contract whose trick score is 100 points or more -- 3NT, 4H, 4S, 5C or 5D or higher.
2) On two or more deals, by bidding and making partscores whose trick scores add up to 100 points or more.
Example: You make 2S (60 points), then make 1NT (40 points).
But, if your opponents bid and make a game, you cannot add on to a previous partscore to get credit for a game.
Your side is vulnerable if you have bid and made a game in the current rubber. When vulnerable, penalties for not making a contract (undertricks) are greater.
On the scorepad grid:
Trick scores for contracts bid and made are entered below the line.
These are the scores that must add to 100 points to get credit for a game.
All other scores – overtricks, undertricks, honors & bonuses -- are entered above the line.
Electrohome/Christie Bidding
Teams are encouraged to review the Christie Bidding Convention Rev 3 prior to game play and can refer to it, as needed, during play.
Table talk is discouraged, though players unsure of how to bid, or play, may consult the table with the permission of the opposing team.
One Level Contracts
One level contracts will not be played unless doubled. If bidding forces a one level contract, the hand is thrown in and redealt. With virtual play, where this contract is allowed, all players will undo their bids and force a new deal.
Virtual Play
Currently it is recommended that trickstercards.com be utilized for all virtual play. It's free and easy to set up. One person starts a game and shares the game code with the other three players to join. It is also recommended that Zoom, Meet, Teams, etc. be used simultaneously for ease of communication during game play.
Players may utilize the “suggestions” setting within the Trickster Cards platform, though it is advised to turn this feature off as it does not align with Christie conventions and can misguide play.
Dealing Penalty
Dummy dealing rules apply for in person play and the next hand should be dealt before the end of the current hand. If the dummy does not complete this task in time, a penalty of 1000 points will be issued to the opposing team.
Conflict and Decorum
Disagreements that cannot be resolved during play, may be brought to either convener (Mike or John) for resolution; however, the ruling of the convener will be final and may result in a rematch; thereby, forfeiting any scores of the first match in question.
Above the Line Points: Points earned through bonuses, penalties, and excess tricks.
1 Clubs: An illegal opening bid implying a weak open but five clubs. No player will be permitted to utilize the “1 Clubs” illegal bid; especially John.
Below the Line Points: Points earned by tricks bid for and earned
Book: The basic six tricks that must be taken by the declaring side.
Bust: A very weak hand of 6 or less points. A bid of 1 Diamond will communicate a bust to your partner when you are forced to bid; otherwise a pass should be given.
Contract: The statement of the pair who has won the bidding, that they will take at least the stated number of tricks. The contract consists of two components: the level, stating the number of tricks to be taken (in addition to the book tricks), and the denomination, denoting the trump suit (or its absence in a notrump bid). The last bid in the bidding phase denotes the final contract.
The ‘Crippler’: One spade bid, 10-12 points, and at least five spades, unless you are Eric then it's anyone's guess.
Cutting off their leg: Winning a game while the opposing team has partial game with below the line points.
Dirty Banman: Left of the Dealer with a king/small doubleton (not trump); lead the king, follow up with the small and let your partner win with the ace. They then lead back that suit and you trump it on the third trick.
Double: A call that increases penalties if the opponents fail to make their contract, but that increases the bonuses if they make it.
Honors: An Ace, King, Queen or Jack.
Rubber: When a team is first to win two games in a row.
Slam: A contract for all 13 tricks.
Sloppy Pocket: When you under lead your ace while holding a queen of the same suit and pull your partner's king.
Small Slam: A contract for 12 tricks.
Table Talk: Any language that implies or suggests how to play a hand or offers information to one’s partner.
Vulnerable: When a team has won a game.